Smedium meaning
Smedium meaning

Either way, God seems to have allowed Samuel’s conjuring in order to drive home His point to Saul. Perhaps she was a fraud who did not expect to actually see a spirit, or perhaps she was expecting to communicate with her “familiar” and not with Samuel directly. There is also some question whether or not the medium actually meant to conjure Samuel, as she seems to have been the most surprised at his appearance-“When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice” (verse 12). Theologians discuss whether this conjuring was a physical reappearance of Samuel or merely an image of him. This medium conjured Samuel, and Saul communicated with the dead prophet.

smedium meaning

So the king, in direct violation of God’s Law and his own previous command, told his men to find a medium who could communicate with Samuel (1 Samuel 28:3). The prophet Samuel was dead, and King Saul was frustrated that God had ceased telling him what to do through prophets or dreams. King Saul’s sinful use of a medium is recorded in 1 Samuel 28. In Leviticus 20:27 mediums are condemned along with “spiritists.” Deuteronomy 18:10–11 echoes Leviticus and expands it, including diviners, sorcerers, witches/wizards, anyone who casts spells, and anyone who practices child sacrifice. Mediums are referenced in several passages of the Old Testament.


The fictional character Cole Sear in the movie The Sixth Sense would be considered a medium. (The term “psychic medium” can confuse the issue.) Also, a medium is not necessarily a witch, wizard, sorcerer, or necromancer, since mediums believe that their communication with the spirit world is an inherent ability. Modern mediums distinguish themselves from psychics, who only read the “energies” of a person or place and do not communicate with actual spirits. The messages may come audibly, visually, or through physical sensations.

smedium meaning smedium meaning

A medium might only communicate with one or more specific spirits (called “familiars” or “familiar spirits”), or the communication may be spread across many different spirits. Sometimes mediums are called “channelers,” as they allegedly “channel” communication from the dead to the living. The Bible condemns the practice of mediumship, and attempting to speak to the dead, through séances or other means, is expressly forbidden. A medium is, literally, an “intermediary” between the spirit world and ours. In both modern and ancient times, a medium is a person who communicates with spirits, usually apart from the use of witchcraft.

Smedium meaning